Graduate Certificate of Demography, Micro-credentials and Master options

Graduate Certificate of Demography, Micro-credentials and Master options
Andrii Yalanskyi /

The Graduate Certificate of Demography is the only 24 units (~1 semester) postgraduate certificate of its kind offered in Australia.

The certificate provides students with an opportunity to study population issues in a research-led environment, with a focus on applying learning to real-world scenarios. Completion of coursework for this graduate certificate may be applied towards completion of a master.


The School of Demography offers Micro credentials at a graduate level to improve your professional demographic knowledge and skills. Currently, the school offers intensive two-day courses on the following topics:

  • Comparing populations,
  • Life tables,
  • Population projections, and
  • Analysing Time to Events.

We can also customize your organisation-specific demographic training needs, contact us.



Master level options:

School of Demography welcomes master students from all over ANU to our courses.

Students with a particular interest in policy studies may consider undertaking the Population Change Specialisation in the Master of Public Policy offered through the Crawford School of Public Policy.

Studying the Demographic Analysis discipline in the Master of Social Research provides students with the opportunity to extend their skills in advanced research methods and apply them to real-world policy and societal issues.

Updated:  1 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications