Graduated PhD Students
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1973 | 1972 | 1971 | 1970 | 1969 | 1968 | 1966 | 1965 | 1964 | 1963 | 1962 | 1961 | 1960 | 1959 | 1958
Tianyu (Alex) Shen
Living Longer and Healthier? An Advancement of Methodology and Understanding on Health Expectancy
Wen Su
Subnational Inequalities in Mortality: Developments and applications in decomposition methods
Kristen Power
Resettled refugees in Australia: How the process of integration differs for refugee men and women
Lili Liwin
The Effect of Changing Education Structure Across Cohorts on Excess Body Weight and Diabetes in A Developing Country: A Longitudinal and Causal Inference Analysis
Shao-Tzu Yu
Toward a Network Theory of Family Change
Audrey Kalindi
Population Level Burden and Inequities in Maternal Health Care Utilisation in Zambia
Jolene Tan
Investigating factors influencing low fertility in Asia
Mengxue Chen
Urban-rural Health Inequality in China: The Between-Group Gap and the Within-Group Dispersion
Qing Guan
Spatial Integration of China-born Immigrants in Australia: 1981-2016
Ayumi Malamassam
Youth Migration and Human Capital Development in Indonesia
Ester Lazzari
An assessment of the demographic contribution of assisted reproductive technologies in Australia
Muh Ulil Absor
Inequality in later life in rural Indonesia: filling the gaps in meeting the needs of older persons
Reiko Okumura-Rogeaux
Transitions to employment of young people in Indonesia
Meg Louise Kingsley
The Role of Context in Work-Family Challenges and the Implications for Children's Development
Lynda Kurnia Wardhani
Gender in Global Agreements and National Arguments: The Indonesian Experience
Qinzi Xu
Continuity and change in Chinese marriage
Jeofrey Abalos
Determinants of health and well-being among older persons in the Philippines
James O'Donnell
The patterns and dynamics of homelessness
Bich Ha Dao
Impacts of rural-urban migration on family relationships and gender relations in mother-migrant and father-left-behind families in Vietnam
Alice Falkiner
Dual Care in Australia: The predictors and impacts of combining informal care with other child care responsibilities
Marie McAuliffe
Self-agency and asylum
Maria Vnuk
Separated mothers with a child support liability in Australia: does the gender of the liable parent matter for compliance?
Nicole Steele
The relationships of experiencing workplace bullying with the mental health, affective commitment, and job satisfaction of Australian Defence Force personnel
Nea-Ann Bax
Repartnering after parental separation in Australia: Benefits and risks
Amina Keygan
Australian men's intentions for children: A life course perspective on factors influencing their formation and revision.
Shelby Higgs
Disaster resilience, vulnerability and adaptive capacity of street children in Manila
Nerida Hunter
Geodemographic and life course perspectives of population ageing in Australia: informing the policy response to population ageing
Cuc Hoang
Modes of Care for the Elderly in Vietnam: Adaptation to Change
Mahin Raissi
Online Social Networks and Subjective Well-being of Older Australians: Network Homogeneity, Social Capital and Negative Interactions
Maria Pilar Rioseco Lopez
The role of social connectedness in the process of retirement
Henri Sitorus
NGOs, social capital and environmental citizenship : a sociological inquiry into livelihoods and resources access in coastal Sumatra
Helen Moyle
The fall of fertility in Tasmania in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Liz Allen
Individual, family and neighbourhood contributions to child excess weight and screen time among two australian cohorts
Michael de Looper
Death registration and mortality trends in Australia 1856–1906
Jiaying Zhao
Changing cardiovascular disease mortality and advancing longevity : Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taipei
Safrina Thristiawati
Socio-cultural dimension of gendered wellbeing of older persons in Lampung, Indonesia
Schooling and destiny : behind the inequality in education performance in Indonesia
Diahhadi Setyonaluri
Women interrupted : determinants of women's employment exit and return in Indonesia
Kien Van Nguyen
Social capital, livelihood diversification and households' resilience to floods in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta
Mulyadi Mulyadi
Welfare regime, social conflict, and clientelism in Indonesia
Riznawaty Imma Aryanty
Hospitalised abortions in Yogyakarta : characteristics and implications
Pungkas Bahjuri Ali
Healthcare utilisation in Indonesia : determinants and projections
Wienta Diarsvitri
Educating for HIV prevention in Papua and West Papua Provinces, Indonesia : an experimental approach
Barbara Edgar
Migrant concentrations as zones of transition : ethnic assimilation and pluralism scenarios in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia
Kim Maree Johnstone
Indigenous fertility in the Northern Territory of Australia: stalled demographic transition
Nepali Sah
Patterns and determinants of age at first marriage of women in Nepal
Jennifer Hayward
Consuming illegality : the political demography of migrant farm labor in California and Andalucia, 1985-2005
Aparna Nair
Between Asclepius and Mammon : disease, health and medicine in Madras under the English East India Company, 1786-1815
Christine Khoza
Reliability of death registration in South Africa : a case study
Masataka Nakagawa
The employment and settlement of Japanese Brazilian migrants in Japan
Thi Thuc Le
Femininity and masculinity: The dilemmas of women in political leadership of Vietnam
Eng Chuan Koh
Causes of Low Fertility in Singapore
Ariane Juliana Utomo
Women as secondary earners: the labour market and marriage expectations of educated youth in urban indonesia
Namuunda Mutomobo
A matter of life or death: An analysis of factors associated with HIV testing in Zambia
Meimanat Hosseini-Chavoshi
Fertility regulation in Iran: An analysis of trends, levels and correlates
Yaghoob Foroutan
Determinants of Women's Employment Participation: Muslim / Non-Muslim Differentials in Australia
Binod Nepal
AIDS in Asia: Population Perspectives on HIV
Bridgit Van Wanrooy
Life be in it: Australians' preference for a working hours norm
Jennifer Baxter
The employment of partnered mothers in Australia, 1981 to 2001
Durre Nayab
Women's ability to identify and address reproductive tract infections: A case study in urban Pakistan
Mei Ling young
Circuits of migration: a structural analysis of migration in Peninsular Malaysia
Hayley Thetford
Reconceiving the spoiled female identity: Childbearing and motherhood among women with Hepatitis C
Zitha Mokomane
No rings attached: An exploration of the levels, correlates and socio-demographic implications of cohabitation in Botswana
Virginia Josephian
Divorce in Australia: 1947 - 1982
Guangyu Zhang
China's far below replacement level fertility: A reality or illusion arising from underreporting of births?
Carlos Arnaldo
Fertility and its proximate determinants in Mozambique: An analysis of levels, trends, differentials and regional variation
Debashish Roy
Poor migrants in Dhaka: Problems, policies and issues
Miliakere Mate Kaitani
Bridging the gap: the changing reproductive and sexual expectations of Fijian men
Marian May
Asking women about having children: Interaction in telephone-survey interviews
Rajesh Kumar Chauhan
Statistical modelling and forecasting of mortality in India
Rebecca Kippen
Death in Tasmania: Using civil death registers to measure nineteenth-century cause-specific mortality
Sihar Wilford Siagian
Family planning activities over the course of crisis in Indonesia, 1997 - 2000
Augustina Situmorang
Adolescent reproductive heatlth and premarital sex in Medan
Yohannes Kinfu Ashagrea
The quite revolution: an analysis of the change toward below-replacement-level fertility in Addis Ababa
John Armstrong
Religious attendance and affiliation patterns in Australia
Ann Evans
Motherhood or abortion: Pregnancy resolution decisions of Australian teenagers
Edith Gray
Shared parenting in Australia? Examining the involvement of men and women in childrearing
J.R.S. Malungo
Sexual behaviour and networking in the era of HIV/AIDS: continuity and changes in socio-economic and cultural aspects in Southern Province of Zambia
Saseendran Pallikadavath
The anomoly of lower caste fertility in Kerala: a case study of the Vettuvans
Paul Foley
From hell to paradise: the stages of Vietnamese refugee migration under the Comprehensive Plan of Action
Yohandarwati Arifiyanto
Employment of migrants in Jabotabek and Gerbangkertosusila, Indonesia, 1995
Brian Abound
States, immigration and entry regulation: Canada, Australia and immigrant admissions from the Arab world, 1946-1996
Makmuri Sukarno
The transition from school to work and job-seeking behaviour among youth in three cities of Java
Helen Avong
Religion and the fertility behaviour of the Atyap, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Tanjina Mirza
Health problems of women using contraception in Bangladesh
Yan Hao
Family support for the elderly in rural China: an illustration from Shaanxi
Rattanatay Luanglatbandith
Mortality levels, patterns and differentials and their correlates in the pre-development context: the case of Lao PDR
Socorro A. Gultiano
A longitudinal perspective of mothers' employment in Metro Cebu, The Philippines
Santosh Jatrana
Determinants and differentials of infant mortality in Mewat Region of Haryana State, India
Nima Sulina Singarimbun
Changing female labour force participation and work patterns in Jakarta
Thomas-Markus Schindlmayr
The nature, trends and determinants of population assistance
Wendy Hartanto
Infant and child mortality in Indonesia: With an application of life table and Cox Regression tecquniques to infant mortality
Geoff Childs
A cultural and historical analysis of demographic trends and family management strategies among the Tibetans of Nubri, Nepal
Natalie Jackson
Ethnic stratification in New Zealaland: A total social production perspective
Qing Feng Zou
Mortality experience from injury and violence in Australia during 1869-1992
Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
Fertility patterns of selected Australian immigrant groups, 1977-1991
Simon Baker
'Child labour' in Changwat Khon Kaen, Thailand: The state of play
Sri Sunarti Purwaningsih
Childcare strategies of Javanese families with mothers on overseas labour contracts
Yu Zhu
Seeking more balanced patterns of urbanization: case studies in Fujian Province of China
Januar Achmad
The political economy of Indonesia's health system ,with special reference to maternal mortality in Sumbing,Central Java
Chona Echavez
Women and factory work: a case in Cagayan De Oro City, Philippines
Joseph Pitso
Marriage and non-marital childbearing in Botswana: The case of Thamaga Village
Hossein Mahmoudian
Migration and change in Muslim fertility in Australia
Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo
Sexual attitudes and behaviour of middle-class young people in Jakarta
Fariastuti Djafar
Women, work and household dynamics in urban Kalimantan
Richard Joanes Makalew
Factors underpinning fertility decline in North Sumatra, 1980-1990
C.J. Crook
Cultural practices and socioeconomic attainment in Australia
John Robert Bryant
The state, demographic change, and the family in northern Vietnam, 1945 - 1995
Alan Feranil
Factors associated with health services utilisation in the Philippines
Lawrence Ikamari
Factors affecting child survival in Kenya
Jacob Oni
Family structure and treatment of child illness in Yoruba households, Ekiti District, Nigeria
Ram Sharan Pathak
Government family planning program efforts in Nepal, an evaluation
Budi Utomo
Health and social dimensions of infant feeding: lessons from Indramayu, West Java
Antonio Francisco
Considerations for a two-sex demography: When, why and how should both sexes matter to demography?
Socorro Abejo
The size, structure and life cycle of family households in the Philippines
Ghulam Arif
International contract labour migration and reintegration of return migrants : The experience of Pakistan
Djoko Hartono
Determinants of adverse pregnancy outcomes: a case study in selected rural areas of West Java, Indonesia
Tapiwa Jhamba
Infant and child mortality in Zimbabwe:an analysis of levels, trends, differentials and determinants
Romeo Bulalaque Lee
Towards male involvement in population and AIDS programs in the Philippines: exploring heterosexual dating and sexual behaviour, and condom use among unmarried young males
Josephine O'Toole Erwin
Reproductive tract infections and women's reproductive health in Ado-Ekiti, Southwest Nigeria
Prakash Pant
Infant and child mortality in Nepal: socio-economic, demographic and cultural factors
Aree Prohmmo
Child health and utilisation of health services in Northeast Thailand, socio-economic correlates and cultural explanations
Rosalie Ramirez
Infant feeding in the Philippines
Rossarin Sootipong
Fertility differentials among the Karen, a hill tribe minority in Northern Thailand
Libor Stloukal
Demographic aspects of abortion in Eastern Europe: a study with special reference to the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Benjamin Amenuvegbe
Reproductive change in Ghana : evidence from two national surveys
Christine McMurray
Child mortality and growth attainment in Burundi, Uganda and Zimbabwe
Indrani Pieris
Disease, treatment and health behaviour in Sri Lanka
Abdur Razzaque
Reproductive preferences and subsequent behaviour in a rural area of Bangladesh
M.D. Shahidullah
The sisterhood method of estimating maternal mortality: a study in Matlab, Bangladesh
Jacob Adetunki
Infant mortality and childhood nutrition in Ondo State, Nigeria: their correlates and socio-cultural
Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo
The construction of a small-family norm in Java
Lualhati Bost
Birth control: the dilemma of the Filipina
Suvathana Vibulsresth
Childhood mortality in Thailand: levels, trends and differentials
Xingyan Wen
Current and desired fertility: reflections on fertility decline in China
Bruce Caldwell
Marriage in Sri Lanka: a century of change
Elizabeth Go
The relationship between female migration and economic activity in the Philippines
Abdul Hakim
Fertility, control in the context of the family and society in Pakistan
You Su Lin
Urban migration in China: a case study of three urban areas
Sarah Muller
Employment patterns and support systems of women with dependent children
Aswatini Raharto
The context of women's work decisions in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Kesaia Seniloli
The socio-economic and cultural dimensions of ethnic fertility differences in Fiji: the case of two villages in south-east Viti-Levu
Bruce Shadbolt
Health, social roles and the life course: a study of Australian women born between 1926 and 1966
Arunachalam Dharmalingam
Social relations of production and fertility in a South Indian village
K. H. W. Gaminiratne
Socio-economic and behavioural influences on child undernutrition in Sri Lanka
Robert Hogg
Australian aboriginal mortality and coronary heart disease: a demographic inquiry
Bhana Bhakta Niraula
The socioeconomic context of high fertility in rural Nepal: the case of Benighat
Roosmalawati Rusman
Socio-cultural and demographic factors affecting child survival in D.I. Yogyakarta (DIY) and Nusatenggara Barat (NTB) - Indonesia
Stephen Buetow
Risk factors for perinatal death in New South Wales
Josefina Cabigon
Philippine mortality in changing times
Wereaduwage Indralal De Silva
Reproductive preferences and subsequent behaivour: the Sri Lankan
Sri Harijati Hatmadji
The impact of family planning on fertility in Java
Ahmet Icduygu
Migrant as a transitional category: Turkish migrants in Melbourne, Australia
Anthony Pramualratana
Support systems of the old in a rural community in Thailand
Mohan Singh
Changes in marriage practices in a rural North Indian area: a micro-demographic study in Himachal Pradesh
Habtemariam Tesfaghiorghis
Fertility and infertility in Ethiopia
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo
Transmigration and its centre-regional context: the case of Riau and South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Quanhe Yang
Planned fertility decline in rural China: the case of Anhui Province
Kritaya Archavanitkul
Migration to small rural towns in Thailand
Abbas Bhuiya
Factors affecting child survival in Matlab, Bangladesh
Noo Ahmad Khalidi
The Aboriginal population of Alice Springs
Abul Kashem Majumder
Determinants of infant and child mortality in Bangladesh
Dickson Yao Ofosu
Hazard models analysis of birth intervals: a study based on West African data
K. N. M. Raju
Family functions: dynamics of households in a village of coastal Andhra Pradesh
Roberto do Nascimento Rodridgues
Health family? : Morbidity and mortality in two metropolitan regions of Brazil
Gillian Mackilligin
The effects of factory based interventions on nutritional status and productivity of women workers in Jakarta
Wansik Kim
Job satisfaction and life satisfaction: The effects of demographic background, objective job conditions and psychological dispositions in Australia
Janet Sceats
Induced abortion in a low fertility country: New Zealand, a case study
Gerald Haberkorn
Port Villa-transit station or final stop?
Marian MacDorman
Contemporary marriage practices in North India: evidence from three Uttar Pradesh villages
Annamalai C. Muthiah
Fertility and proximate determinants in rural Tamil Nadu
Kenji Otani
Determinants of the tempo and quantum of Japanese cohort marital fertility since the 1960's
Madappa Guruswamy
Social and economic activities influencing fertility regulation
Carol Hetler
Female-headed households in a circular migration village in Central Java, Indonesia
Tai-Hun Kim
Mortality transition in Korea, 1960-1980
Ann Larson
Growing up in Melbourne: transitions to adulthood in the late nineteenth century
Pat H. Quiggan
The female role in the decline in fertility in Australia, 1861 - 1901
John Anson
The parameters of death: a proposed parameterisation of the mortality curve
Sultan Ahmad
Fertility differentials among selected Muslim populations. A comparative analysis
Bahkta Gubhaju
Demographic and social correlates of infant and child mortality in Nepal
Makhlisur Rahman
Determinants of areal variation in contraceptive practice in Bangladesh
Jayant. P. Singh
A comparative analysis of rural-urban migration in three states of India
Jayanti M. Tuladhar
The persistence of high fertility in Nepal
Alan Gray
Australian aboriginal fertility in decline
Chee K. Lam
The population of Sarawak
Jennifer Joyce Rowland
Ethnic diversification in Australia
Gordon Alexander Carmichael
Aspects of ex-nuptiality in New Zealand: toward asocial demography of marriage and the family since the second world war
Lene Mikkelsen
Labour mobility in Australia: a study of differentials in movement between localities, occupations and jobs
Peter Kim Streatfield
Fertility decline in a traditional society: the case of Bali
Peter Gardiner
Vital registration in Indonesia: A study of the completeness and behavioural determinants of reporting births and deaths
Paul A. Meyer
The value of children in the context of the family in Java
Mayling Oey
The impact of migration on fertility: a case study of transmigrants in Lampung, Indonesia
Barbara Johnson Isley
Social correlates of sex differences in mortality in a small area of south India
Krishnamurthy Balasubramanian
Differential fertility in India : evidence from a survey in Karnataka State
Koni D. Bongoma
Population trends in Zaire and their implications 1885 - 2005
Michael D. Bracher
Patterns and determinants of fertility in Melbourne
Gouranga Lal Dasvara
Differential mortality in Australia with special referance to the period 1970-1972
James Ray Kirkland
Armenian migration settlement and adjustment in Australia with special reference to the Armenians in Sydney
Devendra Kumar Kothari
Patterns of rural-urban migration: a case study of four villages in Rajasthan, India
Thomas William Andrew
Trans-Tasman migration
Donald K. Lauro
The demography of a Thai village: methodological considerations and substantive conclusions from field study in a central plains community
Joseph Richard
The beginnings of family limitation in the tree towns of the Sudan
Anny P. L. Stuer
The French in Australia: with special emphasis on the period 1788 - 1947
Labour utilisation in a village economy of Bangladesh
Alan Donald Lopez
Which is the weaker sex? A study of the differential mortality of males and females in Australia
Ida Bagoes Mantra
Population movement in wet rice communities: a case study of two dukuh in Yogyakarta Special Region
Augustine O. Okore
The value of children among Ibo households in Nigeria
Biadlegn Gebretu
Mortality levels And differentials in Ethiopia
Patrick Onyemaechi Ohadike
Patterns and variations in fertility and family formation: a study of urban Africans in Lagos, Nigeria
Israel Olatunji Orubuloye
Fertility , sexual abstinence and contraception among the Yoruba of Western Nigeria: a study of selected rural communities in Ekiti and Ibadan divisions
Israel. S. L. Sembajwe
Fertility and child mortality levels and differentials among the Yoruba of Western Nigeria
Elspeth Young
Simbu and New Ireland migration
Graeme J. Hugo
Population mobility in West Java
Marjorie Gisela Santow
A microsimulation model of human fertility: theory and applications to the Yoruba of Western Nigeria
Stewart Leslie William Towndrow
Factors affecting fertility in Aklan, Philippines
Terence Harwood Hull
Each child brings it's own fortune
Valerie Jahier Hull
Fertility, socieconomic status and the position of women in a Javanese village
Donald T. Rowland
Internal migration in Victoria
P. A. Meyer
Demographic and resource-use differentials on Eua Island, Tonga
Olusola Ayeni
Demographic characteristics of Nigeria: An analysis of population data from 1931-1965
Samuel Kwesi Gaisie
Determinants of population growth in Ghana
Masihur Rahman Khan
Migration within and across the boundaries of East West Pakistan,1901-1961
Tai Hun Kwon
Population change and it's components in Korea, 1925-66
Donald R. Lavis
Oral contraception in Melbourne
Peter McDonald
Age at first marriage and proportions marrying in Australia 1860-1971
Shail K. Jain
Cohort nuptuality in New Zealand
E. Olavi Koivukangas
Scandinavian immigration and settlement in Australia before Word War II
Allan Edwin Halladay
Poverty and the large family in Sydney 1968-69: a study of living conditions and social policy
Neville Hicks
Evidence and contemporary opinion about the peopling of Australia, 1890-1911
Dirk J. Van de Kaa
The demography of Papua and New Guinea's indigenous population
J. P. Ambannavar
The Indian working force and employment since 1911
Ching Yan Choi
Chinese migration and settlement in Australia with special reference to the Chinese in Melbourne
Matada Sivamurthy
Convergences of age-sex distributions and population change in the presence of migration
J. T. Yamacuchi
Labour force, employment and wage characteristics in Japan under the growing labour scarcity
C. N. Ejiogu
African migrants in Lagos suburbs: A demographic and socio-economic survey of rural-urban migration
Moolamattom Varkey George
Internal migration in Assam Andbengal, 1970-1961
Yun Kim
Population of Korea ,1910-1945
Farhat Yusuf
Differential fertility patterns in Lahore, West pakistan
Gavin Willis Jones
Growth of Malaysia's labour force
J. D. Allingham
Occupational mobility in Australia: A career and generational study based on birth and marriage records of New South Wales
R. M. Pike
The Cinderella Profession: State School Teachers in New South Wales 1880-1963
Daphne Phillips
Community Study of a small Australian town with special reference to the position of Italian immigrants within it
B. M. Hanna
Some aspects of cause mortality in England and Wales 1931-1960
Yun Kim
Some demographic measurements for Korea based on the quasi stable population theory
David Ian Pool
The Maori population of New Zealand
Mohan Lal. Srivastava
The quantitative effect of some socio-demographic factors on measures of fertility
Jean I. Martin
A study of displaced persons in an Australian community
Kogalur Gowdar Basavarajappa
Trends in fertility in Australia 1911-1961
L. L. Robson
The origin and character of the convicts transported to New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land, 1787 - 1852
L. L. Robson
The 1961 census
John C. Caldwell
The population of Malaya
Frank Lancaster Jones
The Italian population of Carlton. A demographic and sociological study
A. Richardson
The assimilation of British immigrants in a Western Australian community
John Andrew Hempel
Dutch migrants in Queensland
John Andrew Hempel
Italians in Queensland
Kathleen Jupp
Factors affecting the structure of the Australian population, with special reference to the period,1921-1933
John S. MacDonald
Some socio-economic emigration differentials in rural Italy, 1902 - 1913 , economic development and cultural change