Dr Qing Guan

Dr Qing Guan

Position: Research Fellow
School and/or Centres: School of Demography

Email: qing.guan@anu.edu.au

Phone: (02) 612 58934

Location: Level 4, RSSS Building, 146 Ellery Cres


PhD (Demography), ANU, Canberra (2023)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Master of Social Research (Advanced), ANU, Canberra (2015) Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Communication), UIR, Beijing (2011)

Researcher profile: https://researchportalplus.anu.edu.au/en/persons/qing-guan

Thesis title: Spatial Integration of China-born Immigrants in Australia: 1981-2016

Qing is a Research Fellow at the School of Demography, College of Arts and Social Sciences and a member of the Australian Centre on China in the World. Qing’s research focuses on understanding the trends and consequences of international migration using demographic and statistical tools. She has worked and published on the spatial integration of mainland Chinese immigrants in Australia (including their distribution and resettlement), immigrant population changes and attitudes towards immigrants in Australia, the political representation of ethnic minorities in Australia, social cohesion in Australia, inter-ethnic marriage, international migration data and estimates in the Asia Pacific region, the age-sex profiles of net international migration, and internal migration in China.

On the media:

Census: Australian Chinese community evolution. ABC News [in Mandarin]

Census 2021 data: Chinese Mandarin is the second biggest language. ABC News [in Mandarin]

Chinese immigration to Australia ABC Rear Vision

Australia reached a population milestone [in Mandarin] ABC Chinese News

Research Interests


  • Immigrants’ settlement and integration in the destination country (residential, political, family, socio-economic)
  • Social cohesion
  • Migration data and estimates
  • Migration theory and modelling
  • Spatial analysis
  • Multistate life table
  • Chinese in Australia and Chinese diaspora

PhD Research:

Spatial Integration of the China-born Immigrants in Australia: 1981-2016

Other Research:

Research assistant (2017-2021) in ARC Discovery project: Overcoming the problems of inconsistent migration data in the Asia Pacific

Research assistant (2015-2017) in ARC Discovery project: The demographic consequences of migration to, from and within Australia

Research assistant (2017) in NHMRC project: Accountable fertility treatment: An evidence-based framework for the provision of cost-effective, patient-centred fertility treatment in Australia

Research assistant (2015-2018) in three ACT Education Directorate consultancy projects: School Enrolment Feasibility Study for Molonglo and North Gungahlin, Review of School Enrolment Projection Methodology, and Demographic and mobility assessment for East Gungahlin.

Guan, Q., Raymer, J. and Pietsch, J. (2022) Estimating international migration flows for Pacific Island countries: A research brief. Population Research and Policy Review, 41: 1917-1930.

Raymer, J., Guan, Q., Shen, T., Wiśniowski, A. and Pietsch, J. (2022) Estimating international migration flows for the Asia-Pacific region: Application of a generation-distribution model. Migration Studies, 10(4): 631-669.

Guan, Q., Raymer, J. and Gray, E. (2022) Identifying different sources of school enrolment change in the Australian Capital Territory. Australian Population Studies, 6(1): 37-40.

De Valk, H.A.G., Acostamadiedo, E., Guan, Q., Melde, S., Mooyaart, J., Sohst, R. and Tjaden, J. (2022) How to predict future migration in Europe: different methods explained and compared. In P. Scholten (ed.) Introduction to Migration Studies (pp. 463-482). Springer.

Guan, Q. and Pietsch, J. (2022) The impact of intergroup contact on attitudes towards immigrants: A case study of Australia. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(12): 2309-2339.

Guan, Q. (2021) ‘Resettlement of China-born immigrants in Australia: Age, duration of stay and interstate migration’. Population, Space and Place, 27(3), e2388.

Raymer, J., Guan, Q., Norman, R., Ledger, W. and Chambers, G.M. (2020) ‘Projecting future utilization of medically assisted fertility treatments’, Population Studies, 74(1): 23-38.

Raymer, J., Guan, Q. and Ha, J. T. (2019) ‘Overcoming data limitations to obtain migration flows for ASEAN countries’, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 28(4): 385-414.

Abel, G., Raymer, J. and Guan, Q. (2019) ‘Driving Factors of Asian international migration flows’, Asian Population Studies, 15(3): 243-265.

Guan, Q. (2019) ‘Measuring the spatial integration of the China-born population in Australia, 1981-2016’, Journal of Population Research, 36(4): 319-346.

Raymer, J., Shi, Y., Guan, Q., Baffour, B. and Wilson, T. (2018) ‘The sources and diversity of migrant population change in Australia, 1981-2011’, Demography, 55(5): 1777-1802.

Raymer, J., Biddle, N. and Guan, Q. (2017) ‘A multiregional sources of growth model for school enrolment projections’, Australian Population Studies, 1(1): 26-40.

    • Scanlon Foundation Research Institute: Mapping social cohesion study
    • Becoming Australian: Belonging, integration and social cohesion among our newest Australians
    • The demographic consequences of migration to, from and within Australia
    • Modelling the age-sex profiles of net international migration
    • Australian Capital Territory Government wellbeing foundation project
    • Australian Centre on China in the World Research Support Grant: Understanding the 2021 Australian Census Statistics (The (Re)distribution of Chinese Immigrants in Australia During the COVID-19 Pandemic)
    • ANU School of Demography - ACT Education Directorate joint research project: Integrated School Enrolment Modelling

Grants and Scholarships:

2022-2023 Australian Centre on China in the World Research Support Grant ( Primary Investigator) Understanding the 2021 Australian Census Statistics: The (Re) distribution of Chinese Inmigrants in Australia During the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 Australian Population Association Borrie Prize (best student paper), PhD category

2018 ANU Vice-Chancellor Higher Degree Research Travel Grant

2018 IUSSP travel grant for Asian Population Association conference workshop: Bayesian small-area estimation

2017 The Australian Population W.D. Borrie Prize, PhD category

2017 XXVIII IUSSP International Population Conference IPC2017 travel grant

2017-2020 Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship

2008 Excellent Student Scholarship (top 10%), the University of International Relations


Lecturer and Co-Convenor, School of Demography, Australian National University

  • DEMO1001 Global Population Challenges (undergraduate level, co-lecturing)

Guest Lecturer, School of Demography, Australian National University

  • DEMO2002 Population Analysis (undergraduate level)
  • DEMO2003 Migration in the Modern World (undergraduate level)


Lecturer, School of Demography, Australian National University

  • DEMO2002 Population Analysis (undergraduate level, co-lecturing)
  • DEMO2003 Migration in the Modern World (undergraduate level, co-lecturing)
  • Australian China in the World Executive Education Course Understanding the Chinese World (Australian Public Service employees)

2017 - 2021

Guest Lecturer and Instructor, School of Demography, Australian National University

  • DEMO2003 Migration in the Modern World (undergraduate level, 2020-2021)
  • DEMO8092 Life Course Analytics / Demographic Modelling (postgraduate level, 2017-2019)

2016 - 2018

Instructor and Tutor, School of Demography, Australian National University

  • DEMO8063 Spatial Population Data Analysis (postgraduate level, 2018)
  • DEMO8008 Principles of Population Analysis (postgraduate level, 2017)
  • DEMO8091 Population Dynamics and Aging (postgraduate level, 2016)

Updated:  29 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications