Ms Anna Reimondos

Position: Senior Research Officer
School and/or Centres: School of Demography
Phone: +61 2 6125 3629
Location: Level 4, RSSS Building, 146 Ellery Cres
My main areas of research are:
- Repartnering
- Fertility decisions
- Survey data quality
Zhao, Z., Y. Zhu, and A. Reimondos (2013). Could changes in reported sex ratios at birth during China’s 1958-1961 famine support the adaptive sex ratio adjustment hypothesis? Demographic Research 29(333): 885–906.
Ariane Utomo, Anna Reimondos, Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Peter McDonald, Terence Hull (2013). Female Migrants and the Transition to Adulthood in Greater Jakarta. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 648(1):70-86
doi: 10.1177/0002716213483427
Peter McDonald, Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Ariane Utomo, Anna Reimondos and Terence Hull. (2013). Migration and Transition to Adulthood: Education and Employment Outcomes among Young Migrants in Greater Jakarta. Journal of Asian Population Studies 9(1): 4-27.
McDonald, P. and A. Reimondos (2013). Relationship Pathways and First Birth in Australia, pp 69-98 in Evans, A. and J. Baxter (Eds) Negotiating the Life Course: Stability and Change in Life Pathways. Life Course Research and Social Policies, Volume 1. Dodrecht: Springer
Reimondos, A. and S. Trevenar (2013). Appendix: Negotiating the Life Course Project, in Evans, A. and J. Baxter (Eds) Negotiating the Life Course: Stability and Change in Life Pathways. Life Course Research and Social Policies, Volume 1. Dodrecht: Springer
Gray, E., S-E Khoo and A. Reimondos (2012). Participation in different types of volunteering at young, middle and older adulthood. Journal of Population Research, 29:373-398
Z. Zhao, A. Reimondos (2012). The Demography of China’s 1958-61 Famine A Closer Examination, Population-E, 67 (2), 281-308
Reimondos, A., A. Evans, E. Gray (2011). Reports of relationship timing: Missing data and couple agreement. Survey Research Methods. Vol 5(2): 75-87
Reimondos, A., A. Evans and E. Gray (2011). Living-apart-together (LAT) relationships in Australia. Family Matters, 87:43-55