Dr Jeofrey Abalos
- Population ageing
- Health status and healthcare utilization of the population
- Union formation and union dissolution
Abalos, Jeofrey. (2014). Trends and determinants of age at union of men and women in the Philippines. Journal of Family Issues, 35 (2), 1624-1641.
Nahar, Quamrun, Peter Xenos and Jeofrey Abalos. (2013). Changing transitions to adulthood: A census approach to cross national comparisons. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 646 (1), 42-68.
Abalos, Jeofrey. (2011). Living arrangements of the divorced and separated in the Philippines. Asian Journal of Social Sciences, 39 (6), 845-863.
Abalos, Jeofrey. (2011). Determinants of men’s extramarital sexual experience in the Philippines. Philippine Population Review, 10 (2), 51-74.
Cruz, Grace, Jeofrey Abalos, Ana Melissa Lavares, Josefina Natividad, and Yasuhiko Saito. (2009). Changing social structures and the well-being of the older Filipinos. Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology (Philippines). 31(2), 197-222.