ADSRI at conferences - May - July 2014

ADSRI at conferences - May - July 2014
Monday 4 August 2014

European Population Conference closing ceremony, Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest.

Forthcoming conferences

Robert Ackland has been invited as a plenary speaker to the ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference to held at the University of Sydney from 7-10 December 2014. He will speak on 'The social scientist's role in the era of Big Data'.

Recent conferences

Population Association of America 2014 Annual Meeting

Terry Hull, Hasnani Rangkuti and James Raymer attended the meeting held from 1-3 May in Boston, USA. James and Hasnani presented the following papers/posters.

James Raymer and Andrei Rogers: 'The contributions of past immigration flows to regional aging in the United States'.

Hasnani Ranguti: Poster presentation: 'The regional concentration and connectedness of Indonesia's inter-provincial migration flows, 1971-2010'.

European Population Conference 2014

25-28 June, Budapest, Hungary

Michael S. Rendall, Alessandra De Rose, Ann Evans, Edith Gray, Doris Hanappi, Frauke Kreute, Trude Lappegard, Lori Reeder, Marit Rønsen, Olivier Thevenon, and Laurent Toulemon: 'Employment impacts on partnership and parenthood entry in different family-policy regimes'.

Amina Keygan: 'Family size intentions of childless Australians: what determines them?'

James Raymer: Chair, Session 56: Demographic concepts and indicators.

James Raymer and Arkadiusz Wisniowski: 'Forecasting age patterns of international migration: adapting and extending the Lee-Carter Model to different data types and time series'.

Photos: Edith Gray and Trude Lappegard (top) and Amina Keygan (bottom)

International Association of Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST) 40th Anniversary conference

Steve McEachern attended the 40th IASSIST conference in Toronto, Canada, from 3-6 June 2014, where he presented a paper, a panel session and a workshop.

Stefan Kramer, Michele Hayslett, Dan Gillman, Marcel Hebing, Chuck Humphrey, Steven McEachern, Barry Radler, Robin Rice and Kathleen Shearer: 'Data management & curation: Lessons from government, academia, and research'. Workshop 1.

Steven McEachern, Alexia Katsanidou, Vigdis Kvalheim, Jonathan Crabtree and Peter Granda: 'National data management policies: a cross-national comparison of their impact on data archives and institutional repositories'.

Steven McEachern and Janet McDougall: 'Data sharing and citation practices – an application of the theory of planned behaviour to social science research practice'.

15th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM)

Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi presented 2 papers at the IASFM conference in Bogota, Colombia, 15-18 July 2014.

Mohammad Jalal Abbasi, Graeme Hugo, Susan McGrath, Jeff Crisp: 'Demography of Refugee and Forced Migration: Theories, Methodologies, and Contributions'.

Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Abbasi, Rasoul Sadeghi, Graeme Hugo: 'Adaptation of Second-Generation of Refugees into host societies: The case of Afghan refugees in Iran and Australia'.

Other major conferences

Jeofrey Abalos presented a poster at the 26th REVES Conference: Healthy longevity- Where you live or how you live? in Edinburgh from 28-30 May 2014, titled 'Geographic differentials in functional dfficulty among older persons in the Philippines'.

Chen Tang, Bridget Browne and Aaron Bruhn presented a paper at the Financial Services Forum of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia in Sydney from 5-6 May 2014, titled 'Projecting Australian mortality using the CMI Mortality Projections Model'.

Terence Hull attended the Psycho-Social Workshop in Boston on 29 April 2014 and presented a paper on maternal mortality estimation in Indonesia titled, 'Drawing success out of the failure of MDG5 in Indonesia'.

Terence Hull gave a keynote address and represented the Asian Population Association in his role as President at the First National Population Conference of Nepal. titled 'Communicating technical demographic messages to policy makers and the public'.

Helen James gave the keynote address at the International Conference on New Directions in Post-Disaster Reconstruction: Livelihoods, Resilience and Sustainability in Pintung, Taiwan from 9-12 June 2014. Her paper was titled:  'How should we re-make our lives? Gender and Sustainability after disasters in Asia.' (PDF 257KB). The conference was part of the ARC project on the Demography of Disasters. It was supported by the Ministry of Health, Taiwan and  was hosted by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Pintung University of Science and Technology. Speakers and participants came from Haiti, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan and The Philippines. Over 300 people attended the conference which was accompanied by site visits to disaster impacted communities.

David Lucas was an invited speaker at the Australia-Africa Dialogue Symposium held at La Trobe University, Melbourne, on 28 June and spoke on 'Key issues on the Australia-Africa agenda'.

James Raymer attended the KNOMAD-UN Population Division Seminar on the role of Migration in Population Modelling in New York on 29 April 2014 and presented a paper on ‘Integrated modelling of European migration.’

Pilar Rioseco chaired the 'Sexism, racism, ageism & in-equality' session and presented a paper at the ISA World Congress of Sociology in Yokohama, 11-19 July, titled 'Subjective time to retirement in older workers: Gender differences in the role of social networks and the importance of reasons to retire'.


Updated:  12 August 2014/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications