ANU Futures of Demography PhD Scholarship

Each year the ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences (“the College”) may offer a number of awards known as the “ANU Futures of Demography PhD Scholarship” (“the Award”). The objective of the Award is to support high achieving domestic and international PhD students who are conducting research in demography at the Australian National University. Funding for this Award has been provided by an ANU Futures Scheme Grant, through the School of Demography, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences.
Current projects available
Health, well-being and longevity of older adults in low and middle-income countries (Dr Collin Payne, Lead Investigator)
Field of study
PhD in demography
The Award will be available each year to a prospective or continuing student/s who is:
- a domestic and/or international student; and
- holds a Bachelor degree with first-class honours, or a Master degree with a research component or equivalent from a recognised university; and
- is enrolled or enrolling full-time in a PhD program in the Research School of Social Sciences, supervised in the School of Demography
Value: $27,596 per annum; 2019 amount indexed in alignment with the maximum value for AGRTP scholarships as advised by the Department of Education. Two scholarships on offer; payments made fortnightly; payments made for 3 years.
HDR Fee Remission Merit Scholarship: International recipients will also be awarded an HDR Fee Remission Merit Scholarship, to cover the International Student Fees for the standard duration of the Higher Degree Research (HDR) program, subject to the recipient being ranked as competitive in a merit-based selection process.
The recipient is responsible for making payment of administrative fees by the prescribed date as set by the University each session. Recipients of this Award are responsible for the cost of books, study materials, accommodation and all other costs of study.
Duration: The duration of a full-time Award will be three years in the first instance or such shorter period as is stated in the letter of offer.
Periods of enrolment already undertaken for the PhD degree and periods of enrolment undertaken for the PhD degree during suspension of the Award will be deducted from the duration of the Award.
Periods of paid sick leave taken in accordance with Section 38 of the ANU Research Awards Rule 2018, as well as maternity and parental leave are additional to the normal duration of the Award.
Extension: If eligible, a recipient may apply for an extension of the Award by completing the Manage my Degree - HDR form. The maximum period of extension is six months and an extension may be sought only where the HDR program has been delayed by circumstances beyond the recipient's control, and are not of a personal nature. Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) students are not eligible for this extension.
Relocation Reimbursement: A reimbursement may be claimed as a one-off payment to recipients, to assist with relocation costs, including those in respect of the recipient’s spouse, de facto partner, and dependent child or children, incurred in commencing their HDR program. Where a claim for a relocation reimbursement is in respect of a recipient’s spouse, de facto partner, or dependent child or children, they must accompany the recipient to Canberra, or join the recipient in Canberra within 12 months of the recipient commencing their HDR program.
Recipients who are resident outside the Australian Capital Territory or who are permanently resident outside Australia at the time of application are eligible to receive a one-off relocation reimbursement, capped at a maximum of $1,000 for Domestic students, or $2,500 for International students, towards the costs of moving to Canberra to take up their eligible HDR program, on production of original tax invoice/receipts.
Thesis Reimbursement: Reimbursements are paid to recipients of the Award to assist with ancillary costs while undertaking an eligible HDR program. Recipients receive a one-off reimbursement of up to $500 for services associated with the production of their thesis.
How to apply
Applicants who enrolled or enrolling full‐time in a PhD program in the Research School of Social Sciences, supervised in the School of Demography, are eligible for consideration for this scholarship. Please provide information via the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences PhD Scholarship form:
Selection will be made on the basis of academic merit and research potential. Other factors such as demonstrated ability to work in an interdisciplinary team and a documented research interest in the relevant ANU Futures Scheme project will also be taken into account.
The Award will be offered to a student by Selection Committee chaired by the Chief Investigator of the relevant ANU Futures Scheme Award, and will also include two academic staff of the School of Demography, in the College of Arts & Social Sciences, or in a cognate area of ANU.
Overall ranking includes consideration of:
- Academic Record
- Research potential
- Referee reports
- Demonstrated ability to work in an interdisciplinary team
- Documented research interest in the relevant ANU Futures Scheme project
- Comparison with other applications received in the same scholarship round
The Selection Committee reserves the right to make no Award if it considers there are no applicants of sufficient merit. The Selection Committee may also vary the number of Awards and/or offer the Award at other times in exceptional circumstances or based on the standard of applications or students (where funds allow).
Further information
All enquiries regarding the award and changes, issues, or further information after acceptance should be made to:
Senior School Administrator
School of School of Demography
ANU College of Arts and Social Science
Reference document
Conditions of award 2019 (PDF, 173KB)
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