The greater Jakarta transition to adulthood longitudinal survey

The greater Jakarta transition to adulthood longitudinal survey

Funding provided by the Ford Foundation, the Australian Research Council, World Health Organisation, National University of Singapore and the ANU School of Demography

The research team includes Dr Iwu Utomo (ANU), Emeritus Prof Terence Hull (ANU), Prof Peter McDonald (Melbourne University), Dr Ariane Utomo (Melbourne University), and researchers from University of Indonesia and UIN Jakarta.

Using three waves (2010, N=3,006; 2014, N=1,816; and 2018, N=1,120) of a panel survey of young adults (ages 20-34) and three waves of qualitative case studies (N=80; ages 20-34) in Greater Jakarta, this project examines the life courses of young people. The broad aim is to examine how changes in the lives of young Indonesians affect their progression to becoming independent, secure adults and in what ways this progress differs for those who experienced their schooling in the different eras and in the transition period. The study also examines whether these outcomes differ for men and women and by socio-economic strata. Longitudinal analysis is used to examine whether young adults in Jakarta are able to change their circumstances across time or whether early poor outcomes cannot be reversed.

Young Indonesians and their economic and political contributions are vital for Indonesia’s development, yet policy to maximise their participation is lacking. Interviewing the young adult Indonesians at three points in time, the project examines whether their economic and social outcomes change across time or whether early experience determines longer-term outcomes. What are the factors involved in transition to adulthood among young people in a rapidly developing metropolis of a developing country?

The researchers have produced a short documentary outlining their research findings (as of 6 December 2018):



Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Peter McDonald, Ariane Utomo, Anna Reimondos and Terence Hull, Reforming Policy on Young People and on the National Educational Curriculum in Indonesia

Policy briefs

  1. Underemployment of senior high school graduates, 2011 (PDF 252KB)
    Peter McDonald
    Indonesian version (PDF 206KB)
  2. Job-related benefits as a means of social protection, 2011 (PDF 276KB)
    Peter McDonald
    Indonesian Version  2011 (PDF 231 KB)
  3. Early childhood education and care for disadvantaged families (2011) (PDF 251KB)
    Peter McDonald
    Indonesian version  2011 (PDF 207KB)
  4. Mobile phone, internet, and media usage, 2011 (PDF 412KB)
    Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Peter McDonald, Terence Hull, Anna Reimondos and Ariane Utomo
    Indonesian version (PDF 581KB)
  5. Reproductive health services for single young adults, 2012 (PDF 831KB)
    Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Peter McDonald, Anna Reimondos, Terence Hull and Ariane Utomo
    Indonesian version, 2012 (PDF 833KB)
  6. Rethinking unmet reproductive health needs among young adults, 2012 (PDF 657KB)
    Terence Hull, Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Peter McDonald, Anna Reimondos and Ariane Utomo
    Indonesian version, 2012 (PDF 745KB)
  7. Occupational Change Between 2009-10 and 2013-14: The Impact of Qualifications, 2015 (PDF 556KB)
    Peter McDonald, Vu Son, Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Ariane Utomo and Terence Hull
  8. Food Patterns among Young Adults in Greater Jakarta: Deep Fried Food, a Plate of Rice with Side Dishes, and Jajanan, 2015 (PDF 736KB)
    Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Peter McDonald, Vu Son, Terence Hull and Ariane Utomo
  9. Risky Health Behaviour of Young People in Greater Jakarta: Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Use, 2015 (PDF 670KB)
    Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Peter McDonald, Vu Son, Terence Hull and Ariane Utomo

Policy background papers

  1. Education and employment outcomes of young migrants to Greater Jakarta, 2012 (PDF 686KB)
    Peter McDonald, Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Anna Reimondos, Ariane Utomo, Terence Hull and Gavin Jones
    Indonesian version, 2012 (PDF 874KB)
  2. Smoking and young adults in Indonesia, 2012 (PDF 606KB)
    Anna Reimondos, Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Peter McDonald, Terence Hull, Heru Suparno and Ariane Utomo
    Indonesian version, 2012 (PDF 739KB)
  3. Markers of adulthood, 2012 (PDF 592 KB)
  4. Indicators of poverty among young adults in Greater Jakarta, 2012 (PDF 678KB)
    Indonesia versrion, 2012 (PDF 1064KB)
  5. A Longitudinal Study of Poverty Among Young Adults in Greater Jakarta Between 2009-10 and 2013-14, 2015 (PDF 623KB)
    Peter McDonald, Vu Son, Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo, Ariane Utomo, and Terence Hull

Other papers


Updated:  16 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications