Population challenges and our data—What have we learned?

On 6 September, expert speakers from academia and the public service presented their work and insights on the population challenges that Australia is facing, and the data that’s available and envisioned to address them in the Symposium on Population Challenges and Our Data.
In today’s seminar, we will briefly summarise the Symposium’s key takeaways, and provide a space for discussing the insights, ideas, and perspectives we gained. Which population challenges are the most pressing to research in Australia today? Why? How can we address them? Which data sources are available? Which data sources can we develop going forward? Which challenges and controversies around data and research did the Symposium identify, if any, and what are constructive ways forward? The seminar aims to extend the Symposium by providing a space for discussion involving the audience and everyone interested. A special focus will be on fostering discussions, exchanges, and collaboration between academia and public service.
Speakers: Natalie Nitsche and Kathryn Reynoldson will kick-start and moderate the discussion jointly.
Natalie Nitsche is Associate Professor at the School of Demography at ANU. Her research focuses on fertility, families, and gender.
Kathryn Reynoldson works at the Department of Home Affairs and is undertaking a Master’s thesis on student migration to Australia at ANU.
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